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Acupuncture vs drugs for menstrual pain. Clinical trial finds acupuncture effective in 96% of cases and is more effective
Researchers find acupuncture combined with moxibustion more effective for the treatment of painful menstruation than ibuprofen. Across three independent studies, researchers made several important findings. Acupuncture plus moxibustion produces superior treatment outcomes to oral intake of ibuprofen. Acupuncture plus moxibustion is superior to using only acupuncture as a standalone therapy. […]
Cervical Cancer – Are you protected?
Written by Louise Hughes BSc (Hons) RN MBMAS MATACM (Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist) Awareness of preventing cervical cancer has gone up in recent years, with the introduction of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine for girls aged 12 and 13. Using condoms during sex can help to prevent the spread of […]
Baby Loss and Miscarriage – Can Acupuncture help?
Written by Louise Hughes (Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist) With June 2016 being SANDS Awareness Month it’s a time that brings into sharp focus the devastating effect that losing a baby at any stage of pregnancy can have on individuals, couples and families. Over my ten years’ in practice I have […]
Overcoming Regrets and Moving Forward Positively
Written by Louise Hughes (Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist) We all have regrets from time to time, things we wish we had or hadn’t said or done, friends we wish we had kept in contact with or even things we wished we had never worn! Regrets are a normal part of […]
Acupuncture Alleviates GERD And Heartburn
Researchers demonstrate that acupuncture is effective for the alleviation of GERD and associated gastrointestinal diseases. Researchers conclude that acupuncture significantly reduces instances of heartburn, acid regurgitation, chest pain, and indigestion. Additionaly, the acupuncture and electroacupuncture techniques used to achieve the positive patient outcomes are easily implemented in both outpatient and […]
Investing in Yourself – Taking Responsibility for your own Happiness
Written by Louise Hughes (Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist) Recently I have been investing in a regular yoga practise with the lovely Adriene (you can find her on Youtube at ‘Yoga with Adriene’). It has helped me so much to add this to my daily self-care practise as I find yoga […]
Great US article on the causes of Obesity by Dr Mercola – a must read
Last year, an analysis revealed that more than half of the world’s obese peoplecongregate in 10 countries: United States, China, India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan, and Indonesia. Obese Americans accounted for about 13 percent of the world’s obese people, while China and India together (with more than 700 […]
Chinese Herbal Medicine Expert Gets Nobel Prize
Dr. Tu Youyou (Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing) received both the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine and the Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award for developing an herbal based cure for malaria. Dr. Tu headed Project 523, a top secret Chinese military project seeking the cure for malaria in […]
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