Acupuncture has been practised in China and the Far East for thousands of years as an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
It is a safe and effective system of healing and can be used to treat people of all ages with a wide range of illnesses. It involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body that have been known and used since antiquity to correct the flow of qi, blood and body fluids in order to restore health and wellbeing. It’s diagnostic process aims to understand ill health by evaluating underlying causes that have an integrated functional connection between organ system, physical, emotional and mental processes. This is very different from ‘dry needling’ used by physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths.
TCM acupuncture also includes the practices of moxibustion, electro-acupuncture, cupping, gua sha and auricular (ear) acupuncture.
Many people benefit in ways that surprise them; better sleep, more energy and vitality and an improved sense of well-being are usually experienced.
Grahame Gargini MATCM
Susan Whalley-Lloyd MBAcC
Lisa Boudewijns Lic.Ac, MAA, RBAF
Please see Treatment Fees information sheet
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